James Doolittle

February 8, 2006

JRP and the Grindstone

Filed under: Uncategorized — jdoolittle @ 5:13 pm

I think it’s a sign I’m in trouble when my outline is 1000 words long, and spans over three pages. I’m in the process of mapping out how many words I want to devote to each section, and I don’t think I’m going to overshoot my mark of roughly 14,000 words, but I’ve definitely got some work cut out for myself in the next couple of months. With only seventy-some-odd days left to complete the assignment, I’m happy that I’ve completed over half the reading I’ve set up for myself. I have a lot of notes, but I need more. I’m having lots of thoughts about the subject, and I’m writing notes to myself on my computer and journaling about where I want the project to head in a notebook seperate from my private journal. I feel like I’m set up to do all right, but I wonder how much of the work I’m going to convince myself to do without putting some pressure on.I’m keeping myself mighty distracted playing computer risk and rocking out on the ol’ guitar. I know I’m in a webpublishing class right now, but this blog entry feels more like another distraction or means of procrastination than actual work (but boy, I didn’t want to blog about this when I started writing).

Sticking with it,


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