shiga and the big two zero
This is my homestay family from Shiga. I visited them last semester, and I’m going to visit them on the 24th of February… Ten days after I turn 20! I’m looking forward to being older because that will enable me to buy a ketai because in Japan you’re not a person until you’re 20. It’s a little unerving because in America, you get to be a person after you turn 18, so I’ve been walking around with the false illusion that I was an adult when I was really a child. Weird the way the world works. All that will be solved, though, in a matter of weeks.
February 3rd, 2006 at 5:11 pm
What gets me is the bassackward way in which we come of age in the States.
Hey, I wish I could click a link to that photo and see an enlargement.