James Doolittle

January 21, 2006

Creative Writing Class

Filed under: Uncategorized — jdoolittle @ 9:56 am

I had my first Creativer Writing Workshop yesterday. I have an assignment to write a page of fictional narative without using the letter “e”–does anyone remember who did that when he had writer’s block, and then ended up producing his best known work in his career? The assignment seems cool at first, but then you realize that you can’t use words like “he” or “she” or “the” or “be.” Then you relize that you can’t use words like “dapper” or “dasterdly” and then all hope is lost–or rather, all “hop” is lost. I woundr, would you b abl to rad what I writ without the application of the lttr ” “? Hmmm…. I’ll inform this blog on my progrss.

4 Responses to “Creative Writing Class”

  1. Aaron Campbell Says:

    Sounds like a difficult exercise. You should post it and see if anyone notices.

  2. jdoolittle Says:

    Post it in the forum?

  3. Natalie Says:

    Actually you can use the word “dastardly.”

  4. jdoolittle Says:

    Oh, thank god! (THAT was a close call!) But I can’t mispell…

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