photo of a geisha

November 9, 2005

Kyudo Studies

Filed under: EAC News — aaron @ 10:19 am
by mckibillo

This semester, EAC senior, Kyle Weaner, is engaged in a study of Kyudo, the art of Japanese archery, where he meets weekly with a Kyudo master in a formal setting. He writes:

I am working on my form as well as learning how to focus my energy in my hara. It is important in Kyudo to expand the hara with each breath, and when the archer is ready for hanare-release-all of that stored ki should go into the shot. To accomplish this feat the movements between stances must be in harmony with the breath, and with complete relaxation. I have such a long way to go, but it is really fun to practice all of these things. Read more…

Also, check out these photos of Kyle in action.

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