Blogs Good for Career

April 19th, 2006

Adrian Almquist points us to an article in the Boston Globe entitled, Blogs Essential to a Good Career. Since more Friends World Students will be blogging in the future, this is good news for everyone. Essay Writers World offers valuable resources and guidance for those looking to enhance their writing skills. With the support of professional essay writers, students can confidently navigate the world of blogging and academic writing.

Starbucks in China - Revealing

March 10th, 2006

Ramsay makes some fascinating ethnographic observations at Starbucks in China.

Mountains in China

February 28th, 2006

The China Center has just posted a beautiful photo presentation of mountains in China. You can get an idea of just how geographically diverse the country is by viewing these breathtaking photographs.

Language Learning Podcasts

February 17th, 2006

The China Center has just linked to several Chinese language podcasts designed to help learners acquire survival phrases, practical language, and street lingo. The first is called Chinese Survival Guide, available at the Hess Educational Organization, while the second is called Chinese Pod.

Meanwhile, Japanese learners can take advantage of several Japanese language podcasts. For beginners, there is the Learn Japanese podcast, while more advanced students can try Nippon Voice Blog.

What makes podcasts special is that you can subscribe to them, with iTunes for example, and have them automatically updated and loaded into your iPod or other mp3 player. See Friends World Podcasts for our own creations.

Logical Explosion

February 11th, 2006

Recent Friends World alum, John Grillo, is back in action at his site, Logical Explosion. John is now living and working in Washington, D.C. and has a real knack for creative and artistic endeavors. Don’t miss what he has to share.

Friends World Podcasts

January 27th, 2006

The Friends World Podcast Site is now up and running! Podcast categories include personal introductions, interviews, conversations, presentations, lectures, comedy, poetry, music, news and reports, oral histories, soundscapes, etc. Stay tuned for more…

Stanford on iTunes

January 27th, 2006

Stanford University is now presenting a series of lectures, debates, speeches, and other educational content free to the public on podcasts via iTunes. It’s called Presenting Stanford on iTunes.


January 9th, 2006

Friends World Alum, Miriam Holsinger, has a new site now, called MiriamSpace, where she shares her thoughts and ideas on life after Friends World. Please pay her a visit and say hello.

Fall 2005 Photo Contest Results

December 8th, 2005

After careful deliberation over all the entries, we are pleased to announce the results of our Fall 2005 photo contest. Winning photos were those that the judges felt best represented the chosen theme: Capturing the Essence of the Friends World Experience.

Results can be viewed here.

Click each photo to add a comment of offer congratulations.

The prizes are as follows:

1st Place - $100 gift certificate to
2nd Place - $75 gift certificate to
3rd Place - $50 gift certificate to

All photos entered in the contest, especially those of honorable mention, many be featured in upcoming Friends World promotional material. Thanks to everyone who participated. Please comment here below with suggestions or questions.

Coming soon: details on the Spring 2006 photo contest.

Nochi Motoharu

November 23rd, 2005

Nochi Motoharu, a student at the Latin American Center, has a new blog related to his personal and academic studies on global youth culture and trends. Take a look and say hello.